
TameScheme provides a generic interface for syntax that introduces new bindings. The IBinding interface should be implemented by all syntax objects that provide binding. This gives them an opportunity to specify to the macro transformer which symbols that they have bound and where the binding applies.

'Binding' in this context means renaming symbols that are introduced as part of a macro expansion in a context where they would bind a previously free symbol. (For example (define-syntax something (syntax-rules () ((something) (let ((x 1)) x)))) would rename x on expansion to a temporary symbol value)

This is performed by the Binder class as a final stage in syntax expansion. The syntax transformer, which runs just prior to invoking the Binder, outputs symbols introduced by the macro expansion using the LiteralSymbol class. Symbols introduced by parameters of the macro are passed through intact. LiteralSymbols provide a Location indicating to which environment they are bound - or, more precisely, the environment to which they would be bound assuming that no further environments are introduced. For instance, consider the following syntax definition:

(define-syntax example-1 (syntax-rules () ((example-1 a) (let ((x a)) x))))

If this is invoked from the scheme expression (example-1 x), the result before binding is invoked will be something like the following pseudo-scheme:

(#[LiteralSymbol let] ((#[LiteralSymbol x] x)) #[LiteralSymbol x])

The transformer knows about the context in which the symbols would be bound under normal circumstances (specifically, the environment the syntax was defined in), and sets the Location property appropriately. However, while the 'let' symbol is indeed bound to the top-level environment, the symbols it introduces are bound elsewhere and need to be rewritten appropriately.

let implements the IBinding interface, so the binder will defer to that to establish the final value for each symbol. It should be obvious that what needs to be done is to rename #[LiteralSymbol x] (it is, thanks to the bindings let introduces, pointing to the wrong place). At this point, it should be noted that LiteralSymbols passed through intact are compiled as bindings to a specific environment.

IBinding classes are given the task of performing this renaming: they are in fact capable of completely rewriting the S-Expression if necessary, but the usual behaviour is simpler than that. The BindScheme method is passed a new BindingState object, which contains the current status of which symbols should be renamed, and which should be updated with any renamings introduced by the syntax object.

The two important methods to use with the state are BindSymbol, which specifies that a symbol should be renamed (normally this is called to bind a LiteralSymbol to another value), and Bind, which takes an S-Expression and applies the usual scheme renaming rules according to the specified binding state.

Let, then, proceeds as follows: first, it uses BindingState.Bind() to rename each of the variable assignment expressions. As nothing has been entered into the BindingState, this means that the values bind to the previous environment (following the semantics of let). Next, it finds each variable name that is a LiteralSymbol, and uses BindingState.BindSymbol() to rename them to temporary symbols - these can be assigned using BindingState.TemporarySymbol(). Finally, it applies BindingState.Bind() to apply these bindings to the expressions and returns the result as a new let S-Expression. The result is something like the following:

(#[LiteralSymbol let] ((#[temporary 1] x)) #[temporary 1])

Note that let is still a LiteralSymbol: the Binder and syntax expansion both operate in a top-down fashion, so it won't be rebound, and because it refers to the environment containing the let syntax, it will always refer to the same syntax object that performed the binding.

Certain types of binding syntax may introduce 'external' bindings, affecting the environment they are enclosed in. For example, (define x 1) affects the value of x for any scheme that follows it in the same environment. For this reason, there is a BindExternalSymbol method in the BindingState that does exactly that. The binder operates in a top-down, left-to-right fashion, and there is no way to affect how 'earlier' symbols are bound, so that in the following:

(begin x (define x 1) x)

any renaming introduced by the (define) operation will only affect the final x and not the first. This behaviour is somewhat broader than what the standard scheme specification allows.